You might notice an ongoing Noooo … when your child turns 2. No need to worry it is very common among toddlers. In fact is it an important milestone in the developmental stages of a child. As parents we just have to be patient and figure out a way to survive it.They call it terrible 2, I call it curious 2. At 2 years old a child is becoming his or her own little person, with his or her own little thoughts and opinions. This is called the separation stage, the child realizes she or she is no longer a little you. This is the stage that helps a child becoming functional member of society. That is why is it important to teach him.or her the meaning of no.At the same time don’t let this stage fool you because your child will test you. You child will try to see how far he or she can go with his/ her independence. That is where we as parents need to find a balance and stand our grown. In many cases we can try to avoid a “No” by giving the child options. For example instead of telling your child to come put on this dress or this shoes etc… We can try saying: You can wear a blue dress or a red dress today, which one do you want to wear? Most of the times the child will pick one instead of telling you “Nooooo, I don’t want to put a dress on”. A No sometimes means yes for a child and that is where we as parents have to teach them the meaning of No. Sometimes parents tend to say no so often a child thinks that is the normal answer to virtually everything. Different ways to deal with the No

-Teach your child other responses

– Try not saying no to your child often to your child

-Be consistent

– Say yes more often It is a difficult moment but remember it will pass.